


The Campus Post Office is a contract station for the United States Post Office in 新墨西哥州的索科罗. As a contract station, the Campus Post Office can provide the same services that are generally found in any post office operated by the United States 邮政服务. The Director of Budget and Analysis oversees the operations of the Campus Post Office and the Post Office Manager reports to the Director.


The United States Post Office in 新墨西哥州的索科罗 prepares the everyday mail, which 是ag亚游集团App下载的地址吗. Approximately one-third of the mail received at the Socorro station belongs to ag亚游集团App下载. 邮件是由一辆货车来取的 from the main post office and sorted at the contract station at 7:30 A.M.星期一至星期五. Campus Station provides the personnel and vehicle for the pick up. 一旦收到邮件, mail is sorted by departments and individuals. 大约有2000个 mailboxes to serve the student population, and approximately one thousand available 供教职员工租用.  

There are two mail runs during each business day. 早上送货一般在 9:30 A.M. 11点A.M. 到校园里的各种建筑. 那时候,邮件哪 had been posted after morning route will be retrieved during the afternoon pick-up. 第二条路线发生在下午两点.M. 和下午3:30.M. 所有寄出的邮件都是 collected at that point and returned to the office where the proper postage is affixed and is then delivered to the United States 邮政服务 station downtown at 4:00 P.M. 

The morning route begins at the Chemistry building and progresses to Fitch Hall, Campus Police, Brown Hall, Weir Hall, Bureau of Geology, Library, MSEC, Speare, Wells and Cramer Halls, NRAO, Jones Annex, Macey/PAS, Daycare, Golf, MRO/State, Iris Pascal, EMRTC, Property, Physical Plant, Old Jones, and PRRC. 下午的路线如下 相反的顺序. Special pick-ups are available to departments for bulk mail, business 回复和其他特殊邮件.


Several departments use the bulk mail and business reply services, which are offered through a cooperative effort with the main post office. 可节省大量开支 当使用批量邮件时. Specific pieces of mail and other restrictions apply 在使用这些服务之前.


The customer service window provides stamps in all denominations. 邮票册 are available for purchase, as well as various plain and padded envelopes.


Postal money orders are available from 9:00 A.M. 至下午3时.M. 必须购买 用现金. A small service charge is applied and turned over to the United States 邮政服务在下午4点. 这些汇款单在全世界都可以接受.


所有国际邮件现在都需要一个 填妥的海关表格. A computer is available for use at the post office counter, if assistance is needed 在填写这些表格时.


The Campus Post Office also provides facsimile and copy services, for the student 人口和研究所部门. Domestic fax charges are one dollar for the first page and fifty cents for each additional page. 国际收费是5元 dollars for the first page, and one dollar for each additional page. 有50美分 charge for each page received, regardless of origin. 收到文件后立即 placed in the appropriate mailbox or the department is notified. 

Copies are available at ten cents per page with special rates available for large 项目.


The customer service window is open for postage sales from 9:00 A.M. 直到下午4:30.M. and package pick-up or drop off until 5:00 P.M. 周一至周五提供邮政协助 致所有赞助人. 

The ag亚游集团App下载 Post Office does not follow the hours of the main post office, but follows the schedule set by ag亚游集团App下载. 因此,校园邮局 remains open during several holidays that are not observed by Tech. 这些包括 Martin Luther King’s Birthday, President’s Day, Columbus Day and Veterans’ Day.

During the winter break, the post office is closed. 但是,在指定的日期服务 is provided for faculty, staff and students. 这几天会提前公布 on the post office doors and can vary depending upon the volume of mail received. Please note that there will be no cash transactions during this period. 


Each student pays the postal service fee included at registration and is entitled 寄到邮箱. This box will be assigned for the duration of their enrollment. 之前 to registration, post office boxes can be reserved by phone to avoid long lines during orientation and allow students to receive mailbox assignments promptly.

Postal boxes have combination locks that can be readily changed as new customers are 分配到一个特定的盒子. 在结束时 each semester, students are encouraged to leave forwarding addresses so that any mail received during their absence can be properly 转发. Students should be aware that any mail addressed with ag亚游集团App下载's business address, 勒罗伊广场801号, can not be 转发. 一旦学生退学 his studies at ag亚游集团App下载, the box is closed, combination changed and serviced 给下一位顾客.


Departments throughout campus do not receive a stamp allocation, but are billed directly. Outgoing mail is metered and postage is charged to assigned accounts. 在结束时 each month, each department is billed for the amount of postage used. 部门 funds must be used to provide for these expenses. 有几个部门也收费 特定补助金及合约的邮资. 这些邮件必须注明是邮寄的 employees can apply the correct charge method.

By the third business day of each month, each department receives a statement of the postage amount used during the previous month. 任何更正都需要带来 to the attention of postal workers so that the proper adjustments can be made. 每年 usage statements are also available and should be requested from the Post Office Manager.