丽晶s Minutes - 2月ruary 2011


1:30 p.m.2011年2月22日

Kiva Room, Hotel Santa Fe

Santa Fe, New Mexico


The ag亚游集团App下载 Board of 丽晶s convened at 1:30 p.m., with 丽晶 Ann Murphy 每日主持.  其他出席的董事会成员包括财政部长杰里·阿米霍, 理查德·N. Carpenter, Abe Silver, Jr. and William Villanueva.  University administrators, staff, and guests who were also present included:

Daniel H. 洛佩兹



梅丽莎·J. 弗莱明














1. Proof of Meeting Notice:  Dr. 洛佩兹提供 proof of notice by submitting copies of newspaper ads and e-mails sent to media outlets announcing the Board of 丽晶s 会议. 

4. 公告

丽晶 Daily called on President 洛佩兹 for announcements and he outlined the following:

Enrollment Updates:  Dr. 洛佩兹提供 the current general report on enrollment.  Vice President Jaramillo, more specifically, indicated that 1197 applications have been received as of January 31, 2011.  Of those, 125 were paid applicants.  她说 having contacted nearby universities to learn more about the status of their enrollments.  Three of the four universities reported they were up; one university stated their 数字下降了.  她进一步解释说,理工学院的西班牙裔入学人数有所上升 by nine students compared to last year.  摄政Armijo referred to the 1197 applications showing 500 admitted but asked about the remaining 600; whose status was unclear.  Vice President Jaramillo explained that the 600 were still in process and some of them will convert to paid applicants.  摄政的木匠, on a related matter, asked 想知道他们是怎么被跟踪的.  这份报告 did not reflect the number of currently enrolled international students but it was mentioned that international students are usually transfer students; therefore, are not captured in this report since only entering freshmen are included in this report.

The subject of distance learning was raised and the discussion revealed that it has 成为学校业务的重要组成部分.  Dr. 洛佩兹报道 distance learning enrollment is primarily made up of those students taking six hours 或者更少,包括相当数量的州外学生.  Dr. 洛佩兹建议 the Board that this program is at risk of losing a major portion of its funding support due to the fact that the Legislature is considering eliminating the funding of students taking six or less hours. 

摄政的木匠 also asked about the summer session and wondered how those enrollment numbers are reflected in 这份报告.  Vice President Jaramillo responded by stating that the month end reports capture summer enrollments. 

The Board also inquired about the number of ag亚游集团App下载 students on the lottery 奖学金.  Dr. 洛佩兹报道说,只有州内学生才有资格 lottery 奖学金; he reported that about 50% of ag亚游集团App下载 in-state students participate in the lottery 奖学金.

学生宿舍:博士. 洛佩兹介绍了米格尔·伊达尔戈,他正在工作 与其他员工密切合作,规划学生宿舍.  Mr. 伊达尔戈解释 the process for seeking a bond for the construction of a residential life facility and cited for the record that it will take at least three months to execute the bond. 

Hot Water Loop Progress Report:  Dr. 洛佩兹报道 the hot water loop construction project is still on schedule.  He did mention that the recent cold spree affected the campus and created problems in some buildings, i.e, pipes bursting and loss of 热.  Dr. 洛佩兹赞扬了新墨西哥技术人员在回应中出色的团队合作 处理与天气有关的问题,确保所有人员的安全.

Donation of land by Freeport McMoRan:  Dr. 洛佩兹报道 the property donation 新墨西哥技术公司和自由港麦克莫兰公司已经完成并签署了文件.  The deed of the gifted property has been registered with the Hidalgo county clerk’s 办公室. 

Sabbatical leave request for Dr. Michelle Creech Eckman: Dr. Gerity announced that Dr. 埃克曼是MRO的物理学副教授和研究科学家 授予2011年秋季一个学期的休假.  Dr. Gerity说 其他教师将介入并处理任何需要按顺序教授的课程 确保没有学生的正常学业进步受到阻碍.

Legislative Update:  Dr. 洛佩兹,在他的立法简报中,重点关注众议院法案 第2条是为高等教育提供资金的一般拨款法案.

Thus far, the budget reductions for ag亚游集团App下载 are manageable; however, the briefing only reflects current action of the House Appropriations and Finance Committee but the current proposal is still subject to change.  This measure still requires full House approval, along with Senate action.  Dr. 洛佩兹 stated he and his team are monitoring 57 bills which, if most were to be adopted, would negatively impact the university in one way or another.  科技公司的游说人员也负责提供分析 of bills to the Legislative Finance Committee.    

PTRC WPS Program:  Dr. 洛佩兹宣布,ag亚游集团App下载通过其EMRTC部门, has been awarded a $23.5 million grant by the Department of State.  ag亚游集团App下载, more specifically, is one of eight awardees who will receive this grant, under sub-contract, over a five year period.  新合同要求在全球范围内进行安全培训 protective services through the State Department.  These services include training of embassy security forces, for example.  The training will take place at the Playas Training and 研究 Center, a subsidiary of EMRTC. 

摄政的木匠 asked about the sustainability of federal funding for similar future 项目. Dr. 洛佩兹和Dr. 罗梅罗都解释了我们关注的领域 代理关系应该能帮助我们维持健康的资金水平.  然而, in today’s fiscal environment it is difficult to predict how funding will look like 在未来.  Dr. 罗梅罗补充说,我们的联邦资金风险是可控的 提到我们的专项拨款不到预算的1%.

Capital Requests:   Dr. 洛佩兹提醒执董会,一般义务债券 在11月的选举中被击败.  So any new capital funding has to come from severance tax bonding and this could potentially pay for two small 项目: one for Playas road upgrades and the second for $1million in order to purchase and install added campus security and safety equipment.

5. 公众评论:《ag亚游集团App下载》问观众中是否有人想发言 理事会和/或就任何关注的问题发表公众意见.  丽晶 Daily recognized Mr. 查尔斯·罗萨克,他的孩子过去曾就读于ag亚游集团App下载.  Mr. Rosacker thanked the Board for its hard 工作 and he also complimented President 洛佩兹 and the university for the great strides ag亚游集团App下载 has made improving its programs over the years, and he was especially proud that a number of his children have attended and graduated from Tech.  瑞金特·戴利宣读了他参加的孩子们的名字 ag亚游集团App下载.

9. Financial Analysis for January:  Dr. 洛佩兹 called on Associate Vice President, 蕾拉塞蒂洛, to provide the Board with information regarding the financial status 科技. Ms. 塞迪罗说,学校的预算很保守,包括 budgeting overhead at a minimum.  这份报告, overall, reflects that the university 是否保持良好的财务状况,并由各部门管理 to maintain balanced budgets. 

10.   Financial Status as of December 31, 2010 to Higher Education Department: President 洛佩兹 presented the FY’11 second quarter expenditure report to the Board and requested 正式批准该报告,符合该部的要求 高等教育.  有人指出,该报告与财务报表类似 generated in the annual independent audit.  摄政的木匠 moved to accept and approve 这份报告.  摄政王阿米霍附议,一致通过.

11. Employee Benefit Trust Audit Results:  Dr. 洛佩兹报道 the audit has been completed and preliminarily it appears that no major audit exceptions have been identified.  A full report on the audit will be presented to the Board as soon as the State Auditor 释放审计.

13. Macey Family Children’s Center Bid:Dr. Lopez explained the history of the 报价 以及导致这件事被提交给董事会的奖励程序. 白沙 建设公司.该公司提交的投标显然是第二低的 of the Macey Family Childrens’ Center, protested pursuant to the New Mexico Procurement 代码,显然出价较低的福克斯建筑公司的出价., whose 报价 had been accepted 由摄政王.  经过调查,在罗迪的协助下 Law Firm, Tech determined that although Fox’s 报价 was responsive and was the apparent low 报价, Fox was not a responsible 报价der.  Tech gave Fox and 白沙 notice of its determination pursuant to the Procurement Code.  Fox did not file a timely appeal from Tech’s determination.  Mr. 亚当斯建议董事会撤销先前的 批准了福克斯显然较低的报价,并接受了白沙的报价.  摄政的木匠 moved to rescind the 丽晶s’ previous approval of Fox’s 报价 and to accept 白沙’ 报价.  摄政王西尔弗附议了这项动议,并获得一致通过.        

14. Architectural Services for New Dormitory:  Dr. 洛佩兹 reported on the planning and status for the new dormitory.  After discussion, Dr. 洛佩兹 requested approval 各投标人对建筑服务的选择.  11个公司 responded to the 报价.  委员会在评估了所有的提案后,提出了建议 Studio D Architects/Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas.  It is estimated that the fee for their services will be $502,200.00美元,与建筑师设定的费率一致 Rate Schedule of the Procurement Code.  Maximum Allowable Construction Cost is the 国家在此基础上计算建筑服务费.  丽晶 卡彭特同意选择D工作室来做这项工作.  摄政Armijo seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

15. Request for purchase exceeding $250,000.00 using State Funds: Dr.洛佩兹提供 the Board with a request to purchase two Caterpilar Telehandlers totaling $279,800.00.  This purchase is deemed necessary in order to provide  EMRTC personnel with adequate and safe equipment in order for them to do their 工作.  丽晶 Silver moved to approve 购买.  摄政王阿米霍附议,一致通过. 

16. 个人董事会成员评论:丽晶 Silver赞扬了Dr. 洛佩兹为带来 让董事会了解与新墨西哥理工有关的所有问题. 摄政Armijo 也感谢博士. 洛佩兹 for all his hard 工作 at the legislative session.  他说 that the university has an effective advocate.  He also wanted to commend all university employees, and particularly the facilities staff, for the way they responded to the recent cold spell that hit Socorro.  He further stated that Socorro had been prepared for the cold weather 天 in advance, but ag亚游集团App下载, nonetheless, had a heavy burden in responding to numerous emergencies across the entire campus caused by the extreme cold weather.  他特别要求记录反映审计委员会的赞赏 and thank, on their behalf,  the lower paid staff who 工作ed tirelessly and without 投诉以确保所有楼宇恢复正常运作,并确保 staff, students and faculty were safe and comfortable during those very frigid 天.  He also stated that he hoped staff would be adequately compensated for their extra 工作.  Dr. 洛佩兹表示,他为他的员工感到非常自豪,并表示,确实 加班的员工会得到加班工资. 

丽晶 Daily echoed those same sentiments and thanked the ag亚游集团App下载 administration 感谢他们对那些困难时期出现的每一个紧急情况的迅速反应 天. 

摄政的木匠 recognized 丽晶 Villanueva and thanked him for his service as the university student regent.  He explained that 丽晶 Villanueva, by statute, serves a two year term which expired on December 31, 2010.  丽晶 Villanueva also thanked the Board as well as Tech’s administration and stated that he had learned a great 他说,他在董事会的服务是一次非常有益的经历.

18. Employee Benefit Trust:  Dr. 洛佩兹 and Associate Vice President Sedillo presented the employee benefit trust report to the Board.  Ms. Sedillo stated that there has been an appreciation on investments; however, 这份报告 presented to the 丽晶s did not reflect investment growth.  摄政的木匠 asked if the investments were 由州财政办公室根据其建议做出的决定.  Ms. 她正在回应 that she was not exactly sure who provides advice.  She believes, that the university 使用美邦顾问进行投资决策,但不确定.  员工 利益信托,今日下午三时二十五分休庭,无需进一步讨论.

19. 执行会议:下午3时26分,经一致唱名表决重新召开, the Board moved and unanimously voted to go into executive session to consider legal 有关柯特兰租约的潜在法律挑战的事宜.  丽晶 Villanueva recused himself from the executive session due to his employment with Kirtland 空军基地.  执行会议结束后,执行局于 公开会议.  《ag亚游集团App下载》报道称,在讨论了相关的法律问题后 在执行会议上,没有采取任何行动.

20. Adjournment:  Subsequent to the executive session and there being no further business 为了出席董事会会议,摄政王戴利在下午3点45分宣布休会.m.