评议 Minutes - October 2012


1:00 p.m.,星期五,10月. 19, 2012

Macey Center Copper Room

Socorro, New Mexico


The New Mexico Tech Board of 评议 convened at 1:05 p.m., with Board of 评议 Chairman Richard N. Carpenter presiding. 其他 Board members present were 丽晶 Deborah Peacock, 丽晶 Abe Silver and Student 丽晶 Omar Solimon. University administrators, staff, and guests who were also present included:

Daniel H. 洛佩兹




Richard Sonnenfeld

Michael Olguin Sr.

Lonnie Marquez








Angie Gonzales

Bill Schattschneider

Miguel Hidalgo


Thomas Guengerich

Valerie Kimble


会议证明通知:会议于下午1:05分开始.m. 由主席 卡彭特,在总统洛佩兹确认了会议的适当通知之后 被赋予.

批准议程:洛佩兹主席提出议程并要求修正 要求删除第12项采购政策.  摄政银 moved to approve the Agenda as amended.  丽晶 Peacock seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

2012年9月会议纪要:会议纪要提交审批.  丽晶 Peacock 要求修改要求第4项“公告,海登地产”的会议记录 将其简化为一份声明,表明校长洛佩兹已向董事会提供 with an update.  摄政王索利曼附议这项动议,全体一致通过.  


Enrollment updates.  校长洛佩兹报告说,这所大学的目标是 它的注册人数,当然,继续监控它的进展.  洛佩兹还 声明称,截至目前,仍有12名学生在酒店等待开业 在宿舍.

去债券.  总统洛佩兹描述了到目前为止发生的事件 以及他个人参与的演讲和讨论 groups and individuals.

United Arab Emirates (UAE) Visit.  President 洛佩兹 talked about the meeting with Emirate 代表们听取了有关网络安全的介绍. 目的 会议的目的是讨论我们两个实体(技术和阿联酋)的可能性。 working together.

Student Housing. Mr. 特别项目主任伊达尔戈报告了这种陷害 10月开始. 新宿舍楼有14层,工作人员将为第二栋楼铺设托梁 floor within the next two weeks. 大学正在制定家具的规格 还有设备,几周后就会去竞标. Mr. Hidalgo explained 在一层框架之上高耸的大型水泥结构将容纳房屋 电梯.

盐湖更新.  President 洛佩兹 asked Dr. Meason, EMRTC director, to bring board members 新墨西哥州东南部研究地点的巨大变化的最新情况. According to Dr. 最显著的变化是向一个新的 12年7月1日的商业模式,即大学作为政府拥有的设施运营 and contractor-operated entity. The model appears to be working well, reported Dr. 大学人员在EMRTC总部管理现场活动. 修订后的费率反映了成本模式的运营费用,其中包括水电费和 maintenance paid from a facility support account. During the discussion that followed, 在回答一个问题时,有人指出,有关债务的数字相互矛盾 Playas在采用新商业模式时反映了过渡成本. 评议 were assured 先生. Marquez认为Playas团队“做得很好” accurate financial tracking by year’s end.


President 洛佩兹 introduced Dr. Richard Sonnenfeld, associate professor of physics, as the new president of the 教师 Senate. Dr. Sonnenfeld will deliver a 教师 Senate report at future Board meetings. Also introduced was Cynthia Lorry, substituting for Board counsel Mark Adams.

Public Comment.  没有一个.

Degree Conferrals for September 2012.  V.P. Gerity reported degree conferrals for 2012年9月:获得3个理学学士学位,14个理学硕士学位,3个硕士学位 获得教师科学博士学位和两个哲学博士学位.

Financial Analysis for September 2012.  In his financial analysis for the first quarter of the new fiscal year, Mr. Marquez noted that revenues and expenditures are tracking 正常情况下. Overhead recovery is slowing down, totaling $1.6 million this year, and lagging a bit on the EMRTC side.

Report of Actuals 2012.  评议 were given a copy of the original budget, revised budget, unaudited actuals and investments, and Mr. Marquez pointed out Exhibit 19, 包括总统高尔夫球锦标赛的收入. In response to Mr. 马尔克斯的 建议摄政王批准预算,摄政王西尔弗因此感动,随后 a second from 丽晶 Solimon. The motion passed unanimously.

Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) FY’13.  Mr. Marquez recommended that 评议 approve 第一次预算调整要求为13财年反映结转款项、资金 从最近的学费上涨来看,机构支持力度加大. 丽晶 Peacock moved to approve the BAR. 摄政王西尔弗附议,一致通过.

Notification of Procurement Award – Restricted Funds. 评议 were informed of one 限制性基金购买,不需要董事会批准,但提交给 attention of the Board for Information purposes. The purchase was for $263,152.34 to buy computers for the Campus Post Office.

Property Items Resolution, Reference NMSA, 13-6-1. Resolutions 121018-01, 121018-02, 121018-03 & 121018-04.  物业总监Bill Schattschneider提出了四项决议 for Board approval as follows:

(Item removed from agenda).

Individual Board Member Comments.  The meeting will be the final one in Socorro for 摄政银, who announced he will not serve another term. 摄政银, whose term ends on Dec. 31、他承认董事会成员是“一个很棒的团队” 加上他在公共服务领域的工作,“ag亚游集团App下载排名第一。.”

新业务. 没有一个.

Employee Benefit Trust.  理事会经唱名表决,决定休会 2点12分.m. and convened a meeting of the Benefit Trust. Mr. Marquez announced that 从2013年开始,ag亚游集团App下载将提出三个PPO健康计划. 这个提议 has been vetted with faculty and staff. According to Mr. Marquez, each plan is identical 在保险范围上,只有免赔额不同——500美元、750美元和1000美元. 新的医疗计划将节省开支,降低运营成本. Human Resources 校长乔安莎乐美告诉董事会,大学将继续使用Meritain 明年,保费增幅最大的将是退休人员. Ms. 莎乐美, 她肯定了她的助手安吉·冈萨雷斯(Angie Gonzales)的工作,并补充说,Tech将主持 a benefits fair on Nov. 27, with enrollment through December; in the meantime, information on the plans will be posted on the University’s website. Acting on a recommendation 先生. 马尔克斯批准了健康计划,摄政王皮科克因此感动,而摄政王西尔弗 seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

可能的执行会议,NMSA 1978,第10-15-1 (H)(2)(如果需要考虑) Legal and/or Personnel Matters).  评议 in a unanimous roll-call vote closed the regular meeting at 2:30 p.m. to meet in executive session, as per the referenced statute.

再次召开公开会议,并对此类有限人员采取最后行动(如有) 闭门会议结束后应在公开会议上采取行动的事项 会话.  The Board reconvened at 3:02 p.m., with Chairman Carpenter announcing that 董事们只讨论参考法规允许的事项,而且 no action had been taken.

休会.  由于董事会没有其他事务要处理,会议就此结束 was adjourned at 3:03 p.m.