丽晶s Minutes - 9月ember 2013

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Board of 丽晶s

1:30 p.m., Thursday, 9月. 26, 2013

Steve Torres Residential Center
New Mexico Tech
Socorro, New Mexico


的 New Mexico Tech Board of 丽晶s convened at 1:37 p.m., with Board of 丽晶s 理查德·卡彭特主席,财政部长杰里·阿米霍,董事黛博拉·皮科克, Debra Hicks and Israel Rodriguez-Rios. University administrators, staff, and guests who were also present included:

1. Proof of Meeting Notice:  的 meeting was called to order at 1:37 p.m. by 丽晶 Carpenter after 总统 洛佩兹证实会议的适当通知已经发出.

2. Approval of Agenda: 丽晶 Armijo moved to approve the Agenda as presented. 丽晶 Peacock seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

3. Announcements:

在开始宣布之前,副总统哈拉米略介绍了局长 《AG亚游集团app》由米奇·塔彭和他的团队比尔·拉卡瓦和林恩·亚瑟 在新托雷斯住宅的规划、发展和实施方面发挥了重要作用 大厅.  的ir hard work was recognized by all present.

5. Public Comment: 没有一个.

6. Degree Conferrals:  总统报告说,学位授予于2013年7月和8月.  的 提供了毕业生及其相应学位的名单.

7. Financial Analysis for August 2012:  Mr. Lonnie Marquez报告称,收入与去年相当.  他补充说 每年的这个时候支出更高,因为财政年度才刚刚开始 that will even out.  He noted that there is a negative balance in the geophysical 研究,我.e., Playas and IERA who continue with a carry forward deficit.  他强调 这将继续工作,最终回报的结果将得到实现.  最后,要平衡奖学金,这仍然是一项正在进行的工作.  丽晶 皮科克提议批准财务分析,摄政王希克斯附议 and it passed unanimously.

8. 研究 and Public Service Projects Funding Request:  Dr. 洛佩兹向理事会提交了按财政年度优先顺序列出的11个项目清单 15.  他强调,这与2014财年提供的清单是一样的 are no new projects.  丽晶 Armijo moved to approve the request; 丽晶 Peacock seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

9. 属性项决议,参考文献4 NMSA 1978, 13-6-1,决议130926-01 &  130926-02:  Mr. Marquez presented the list of items valued under $5000.00 to be removed from tangible 财产.  丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios moved to approve Resolution 130926-01; 丽晶 Hicks seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Mr. Marquez presented the list of items valued over $5000.00 to be removed from tangible 财产.  丽晶 Peacock moved to approve Resolution 130926-02; 丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios seconded and it was unanimously approved.

10.  Individual Board Member Comments:  丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios说他和学生政府协会谈过 提出了提高学费以提高教师工资的想法 增加.  他说大家对这个想法很感兴趣,但是 there was yet issues to be work out; 丽晶 Hicks stated she has been involved in 这是教育部和高等教育部共同努力的结果 与马丁内斯州长在一个委员会中共同努力,以提高质量 of teachers in New Mexico.  丽晶 Peacock offered her thanks for the trip to the Magdalena Ridge Observatory.  丽晶 Armijo asked if anything was happening with the lottery scholarship.  Dr. 洛佩兹 stated there have been some discussions, but nothing 明确的.

11.  New Business:  董事皮科克(丽晶 Peacock)问,2014年2月13日的董事会会议是否可以更改 because she has a conflict for that date.  It was agreed alternative dates would be provided to the 丽晶s.

12.  Employee Benefit 信任:  董事会在下午3点35分休会,并召开了员工福利会议 信任.  副总统马尔克斯提供了8月份的报告,并表示 信任 was still experiencing challenges.  He stated that open enrollment season was 接下来,我们可能会看到保费上涨高达18%.  他还分享了一个新概念,我们正在考虑这个概念可能会得到改进 employee health and reduce doctor and hospital visits.  的 new concept revolves around 监测员工的健康状况并规定补救的健康措施 could potentially improve employee health status.  Incentives for participating in 该计划将包括一个以减少保费或其他方式为中心的奖励制度 way to reduce participant’s health benefits premiums.  丽晶s adjourned the Benefit 信任 at 3:43 and reconvened as the Board of 丽晶s.

13.  执行会议,NMSA 1978,第10-15-1 (H)(2)条(提供法律信息 事项):  3点44分.m. 董事会经一致唱名表决结束了公开会议 在执行会议上召开会议,只审议所指出的项目.

14.  再次召开公开会议,并对此类有限人员采取最后行动(如有) 闭门会议结束后应在公开会议上处理的事项 会话.  的 Board reconvened in open session at 3:50 p.m.  Chairman Carpenter announced 只讨论了《ag亚游集团App下载》中所述的事项,没有采取任何行动.

15.  延期:  由于董事会没有其他事务要处理,会议休会 3点51分.m.




